[PS3] Earth Defense Force: Insect Armageddon
Year: 2011
Genre: Action
Studio: D3Publisher
Multipleer: 2X or more
Ps Move: No
Online: Yes
Category: For adults
Stereo 3D: No
Earth Defense Force: Insect Armageddon is a third-person shooter in which a player on a team needs to defend a fictional city called New Detroit from an alien invasion of huge land insects. The callsign is Alpha Lightning, and he is the leader of an elite fighter team known as Lightning Bolt. The game has more than 300 types of weapons. It can be purchased through the in-game store, which partially repeats the weapon purchase system in Earth Defense Force: 2017. Some weapons can only be obtained from killed editable enemies. Four different fighter classes can be selected from the menu, each with special features and exclusive equipment. The color of the armor can be customized individually.
Later games